State Government
Legislation (by state)
- Bills, Actions and Ordinances (passed and/or introduced)
- Alabama
Rep. John Rogers Alabama House of Representatives Montgomery is reintroducing a Bill to abolish mercury dental fillings for children and pregnant women - Arizona
If passed, H.B. 2467 sponsored by Rep. Johnson & Rep. Hershberger would ABOLISH mercury fillings for children, pregnant women, and nursing mothers. It has passed the Human Service Committee 5 to 3, and will be voted on by the full House of Representatives in March’2003.
- Dear Arizonans… (pdf file)
- California
- California Judge Approves Landmark Warning on Mercury Use in Dentistry (San Francisco, Notice to Patients, Proposition 65, January, 2003
- AB #2270 amended in Assembly – April 9, 2002
- Introduced by Rep. Dickerson on Feb. 20, 2002 would prohibit a dentist on and after Jan. 1, 2007 from providing a patient with a dental filling that contains mercury.
- Governor Davis signs bills to prohibit against Mercury contamination, Oct. 10, 2001.
- State Dental Board Officer Picketed in Beverly Hills, Asked to Resign: Dentist Leads fight to cover-Up Mercury in Fillings.
- CD Dental Board Backs Down, Vocal Protests – A Movie Action film
- Davis Administration Intercedes: Schedules Meeting with Anti-Mercury Consumers After Dental Board Cancels Meeting Consumers.
- CDC’s Petition Forces California Dental Board to Abandon Voting on Materials Fact Sheet, Charlie Brown 7/23/2001
- Governor Davis appoints mercury-free dentist Chet Yokoyama to the California Dental Board, Charlie Brown 3/22/2001
- Iowa
Gag Rule Unconstitutional, Says Attorney General of Iowa “Dentists do have a free speech right to voice a personal opinion and to in good faith counsel patients free of unwarranted government intervention.” - Maine
Beginning July 1, 2002, a dentist who uses mercury or a mercury amalgam in any dental procedure shall display the poster adopted by the Department of Human Services, Bureau of Health under this section in the public waiting area of that dentist’s office and must provide each patient with a copy of the brochure adopted by the bureau under this section. - New Hampshire
HB #1251 – Sponsored by Rep. Lynde. As Amended By the Senate. This bill requires dentists and the department of health and human services to provide information on restorative dental materials, and requires the department of environmental services to adopt rules for the disposal of mercury amalgam waste in an environmentally- appropriate manner. - Ohio
Bill LSC 124 1555 to enact section 4715.191 of the Revised code to establish restrictions on the use of mercury and mercury amalgam fillings in dentistry for individuals 18 and younger, a woman 45 years of age or younger, a pregnant woman and requiring informed consent. - Oregon
Bill for Informed consent and Limitations on use of Amalgam, Draft Bill 11/11/2002. Relating to the practice of dentistry; adoption of new provisions in ORS Chapter 679. A dentist shall obtain a written Informed Consent from each patient prior to any dental procedure and/or treatment which includes the use of any dental restorative materials containing mercury. - Washington
Response to WSDA testimony at Washington State Senate’s Health & Long Term Care Committee on SB 5066 January 30, 2003.
- Alabama